INDIA is celebrating 60 years of its republic today. India today is the largest democracy in the world. Being an Indian am proud of this country which educated the whole world and the ages to come.
This is dedicated to my mother land - INDIA

The day I was born this country was born in me…yeah! I can feel it throbbing in my heart and running in my veins…I feel it with every breath of free air I take in… It is my land…my homeland…my motherland…

Every thing wrong with the country starts with me… I am responsible for everything that’s unjust with the system… I am responsible for the potholes not being made…I am responsible for the bribes being fed to the officials…I am responsible for the broken roads…I am responsible for the hollow promises made by the politicians… I am responsible for the corrupt system…I am responsible for every pending case in the court… I am everything that’s wrong with the country… it all starts with me and someday it will end with me…

I’ll wake up today…
I’ll rise today…I’ll fight today…I’ll bleed today…
This country is mine and only I can make right…
I’ll fight for everything that is mine…
I’ll bleed for everything that is right…
I’ll make it the golden bird it used to be…
I’ll be the face of India
And the world shall see…
I am India and India is me…



shalabh srivastava said...

Jai Hind

Tazz said...

Excellent stuff Shivam. And I say (read: write!) this in context to the entire blog, & not just this post. Keep up the good work & I'm pretty damn sure sunshine shall wreck you sometime soon!

PS: India, btw is the world's largest democracy, a gross mistake my friend.

shivam said...

@tazz: oops!! my mistake...i read it somewhere...
anyways...i'll edit it...
thanx for that information..

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